Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Jack Owen Spillman III-- Referred To Himself As A Werewolf

The most recent case was in 1995. Known as "The Werewolf Butcher" was Jack Owen Spillman III. He only ever referred to himself as a werewolf to his cellmate because he loved to "stalk his prey".  He also declared, later in days, that he wanted to be the world's greatest serial killer. 

A young woman in Douglas County, Washington, was unable to get a hold of her mother or sister, Amanda. So, she went to check on them through the sliding rear door. Inside, she found both their bodies, in two different rooms, with a great deal of blood around them. Once police officers showed up, and observed, the conclusion that both these victims had been sexually mutilated in a variety of ways. They were certain this someone seemed more animal than human.

Amanda, who had been on her mothers' bed, was stabbed, hit on  the head, and then raped, also eviscerating her. Rita, the mother, was lying on a couch, found stabbed thirty-one times, and viciously mutilated. Both victims suffered agonizing pain before death. 

Once detectives checked reports for the night, they learned that a man in black names Jack Owen Spillman III was arrested, not far from the crime scene, on the suspicion of burglary. Spillman had been released from custody, since they had no evidence that it was he who had committed the crime. The detectives looked into his background to find rape, burglary, and attempted rape on his record for the disappearance of a young girl, who was still missing.

Spillman tossed out an item, while under surveillance. Once retrieved, it was a blood-soaked ski mask. There was a blood stain near the opening of the mask, which it was later learned that he drank young Amanda's blood. He was arrested, and his house and belongings were searched. Blood, hair, and fibers were found as more evidence, and Spillman had no alibi. According to a news report, he was a butcher, which explained why the wounds made were so skillful.

Rita was an incidental victim, after stalking the family for months, and keeping an eye on Amanda. Spillman confessed to the double homicide, and included a third, the missing girl to avoid the death sentence. 
Spillman had long fantasized about torturing girls, and wanted to cut the heart out of a victim and eat it. He had wanted to keep all of his victims in a cave, but complained as his first one died too fast because he tortured her with a knife. Spillman received life in prison after pleading guilty to murder on three counts.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Bill Ramsey-- Hoax? Or The Real Thing?

Not all werewolves actually kill. In London, Bill Ramsey first experienced a strange sensation, followed by an odor, at just nine years old. He experienced seizures that made him snap and bite, so Bill thought of himself as a wolf. He experienced this all the way into adulthood, and had no problems controlling it until one night in 1983.

When Bill was at a hospital being treated, he bit a nurse. Following that, he crouched on all fours in a corner, and growled at anyone who tried to come near him. Police soon arrived to take him into custody, later resulting in a psychiatric institution.  Ed and Lorraine Warren proposed that Bill was possessed by a "werewolf demon" and needed to be exorcised. After they received the family's permission, they invited a Bishop to perform it.

Bill thought the ritual would not work, even before it began, but apparently the bishop recognized the spirit inside the man. He commanded the demon to leave Ramsey's body, and police officers restrained him when Bill tried to attack the bishop. Eventually, Bill experienced the force leaving his body. Thereafter, he was cured and free from the spirit.

This has not yet been proved as either a hoax, or an actual situation.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Mr. H

One of the first cases to come upon as lycanthropy was that of Mr. H. For a while, he was convinced that he was a werewolf. He was a drug user, and admitted to his doctor, that while serving in Europe in the United States Army, he hiked into a forest which was near his post. At this time, he ingested LSD (acid) and strychnine, which is stimulant when taken in small portions, but most known as a deadly poison taken in bigger portions.

According to research, these substances are similar to ones that shape shifters have used in the past. Mr. H had claimed that only after a short amount of time, he felt hair grow on his face, and saw it on his hands. After this, he didn't have the strength to resist catching and eating live rabbits. He returned to the post several days after wandering in this state.

Mr. H was then placed on the tranquilizer chlorpromazine, was cured from drugs, and had received therapy for nine months. Although, as this therapy was continuing, he still heard voices and experienced satanic visions. He insisted he had rare powers, and claimed to be possessed by the devil. Many tests were run, and they claimed that his delusions could be "compared to acute schizophrenia or toxic psychosis".

Mr. H was out on an anti-psychotic drug, and when his state seemed to get better, was admitted to an outpatient clinic. After two visits, Mr. H stopped taking his medication and ended the treatment. Attempts to reach him failed in later days.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Gilles Garnier

Gilles Garnier could be known as "The Werewolf of Dole"; Dole, as in, the small village in France; not the juice. Garnier lived outside of Dole for many years, eventually finding himself a wife. Garnier had not been used to providing for anyone besides himself. After a while, children began disappearing, with them being mutilated and dissected as well. Garnier's testimony had stated that, while hunting through the forest to find food for small family of two, a man appeared and gave him a magic ointment. This ointment would change him into a wolf, making finding foot to hunt, much easier. Between the timeline of around 1 year, Gilles had murdered more than four children at the young ages of 9 to 12.

First victim was a young ten year old girl. Garnier dragged her into the vineyard outside of Dole. He removed her clothing, after strangling her, eating her flesh off her arms and thighs. Once he was satisfied, he took more flesh off the young girl so he could feed his wife to also have a meal.

Another young girl was attacked by Garnier. When he had begun biting her, he was rudely interrupted by people coming near, so he fled. She came out of the closet a few days later, confessing what had happened to her as her injuries showed well.

Two boys were next attacked by Gilles, one a ten year old who had been eaten from his thighs, and stomach. A leg was torn off with Garnier's vicious teeth to save for later as well. Just a few days later, Gilles strangled a young boy, although he was interrupted once again by oncoming people not being able to dissect this boy at all.

A group of the villager's had gone out to find and hunt down the werewolf. Finding him crouched over a boy one day, the villagers captured him. During trial, Garnier confessed everything, including the magic ointment the devil gave him. Although, the devil might have been to blame, Garnier was still thought of as guilty for the crimes of witchcraft and lycanthropy.

In 1573, Gilles Garnier died, after being burned on a stake.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Jean Grenier

The most famous case of lycanthropy was that of Jean Grenier. Lycanthropy is the transformation of a human into a wolf-like creature; also believed to be a disorder where a person believes they are a wolf-like creature. Jean Grenier, only the age of 14, was a mentally disabled adolescent. In 1603, all around Southern France, a series of magnificent events occurred. It was said to be that Jean had met a man named Pierre who told him to wear a wolf-skin cloak a few days a week. Along with using a salve, the boy turned into a werewolf with fangs, black nails, and his hair a big change.

One encounter Jean had was with two shepherd girls. They came across each other, with the girls noticing his hair, fangs, nails, and torn-up clothing. Jean began to talk to the girls, told them his father was a priest. He had noticed the girls were quite scared but had been discussing with them which was prettiest for him to marry. Next, he brought up that he looked like a wolf as wolf-skin was what he would wear every few days after being given it to by Pierre Labourant. Grenier began to tell the girls what he had all killed, and soon it would be there turn. The children ran away as they were extremely frightened.

Another time, Jean was with a young thirteen year old girl by the name of Marguerite Poirier. Jean and Marguerite often tended sheep together near the village of St. Antoine de Pizon, when he would begin talking to her about drinking blood, killing young girls, and feeding on dogs. Jean would tell appalling details of every part that happened with a few of these young girls. Attacked by a wolf one day, as she was tending sheep alone, Marguerite used her shepherd's staff to attack back. She has thought it looked like a wolf only shorter, and had a very small head. She was extremely scared after the incident that she ran home instead of continuing her duties. The wolf attack was later to be believed caused from Grenier. Marguerite later told villagers of the attack and the stories she was told, for an investigation was opened. Jean was arrested after he was found for the people to find out he was actually the son of a poor man in St. Antoine de Pizon village besides the part where he had left home.
Life in a monastery had been set out for him as Grenier had been guilty of all of these crimes, confessing he was a werewolf. Jean Grenier later died at the age of 20, shortly after Pierre Delancre, demonologist visited him to hear his story.